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How can you get financially fit before your first property purchase?

By clarifying your financial position before buying a home, you can improve your chances of securing a mortgage while granting yourself a little peace of mind. Here are three tips to get you started:
1) Determine a workable budget
Identifying how your income compares to your spending will allow you to estimate the size of the mortgage you can realistically afford. Start by creating a simple spreadsheet listing fixed costs such as rent, repayments, subscriptions and council tax, and averages for other bills. Don’t forget yearly expenses like annually renewing memberships, holidays, and general house and vehicle maintenance.
Once you can see how your monthly outgoings match up to your income, you’ll know what you can afford to pay towards a mortgage. You can also use an online mortgage calculator or talk to a mortgage advisor to identify ways to give yourself more wiggle room.
2) Create a savings target
Now that you have your budget in hand, it’s time to set a realistic savings goal for a deposit or to give yourself a buffer to cope with the cost of moving. Use your spreadsheet to find ways you can reduce expenditure. Possible solutions include swapping energy suppliers, cutting out luxuries and unnecessary subscriptions, or postponing holidays.
There are some less painful ways to save, too. For example, government-backed Lifetime ISAs offer first-time buyers the chance to top up their savings by 25% each year, up to £1,000. Alternatively, many banks allow you to round up all your purchases to the nearest pound and transfer the difference into a savings account.
3) Deal with bad credit
Before applying for a mortgage, check your credit rating with a reputable agency like Experian or Equifax. If you spot any errors, get them fixed as soon as possible. Lenders will use your credit rating to determine if and how much you can borrow, so correcting mistakes is a crucial step toward financial fitness.
Our friendly team can help you find the perfect home within your budget. Just contact us to chat about your requirements.